Reminder: November Discussion Night Wendell Berry Tonight

Reminder: November Discussion Night Wendell Berry Tonight

by Dr. Sheffler -
Number of replies: 0

Just a reminder that we will be meeting at 5:00 eastern to discuss Wendell Berry's marvelous short story "A Jonquil for Mary Penn."

Hi Everyone,

This month's community night will take place Friday evening, November 22 at 5:00pm Eastern.

This month, we will be discussing the short story "A Jonquil for Mary Penn," by Wendell Berry (PDF attached).

Our community nights are an opportunity to make friends with fellow Memoria college students and faculty in a more relaxed environment than a formal class.  I look forward to seeing you there!  

To access the Teams meeting, use this link:

Meeting ID: 236 962 150 25
Passcode: hRpP8i