Italy Trip

Italy Trip

by Paul Schaeffer -
Number of replies: 1

Join us in Italy for a unique contemplation of pagan and Christian life through the ages. Dr. Jan Bentz will be our guide, with Dr. Brian Lapsa teaching some of the seminar sessions.

Dates: Sunday, March  16 – Saturday , March 22, 2023

Cost: $1995*exclusive of flight, travel to and from airport, and some food.
This includes all accommodations (single occupancy), lectures, site tours, and group transportation for Sunday - Friday. Travel to and from Rome, as well as travel to the hotel are the responsibility of conferees. All breakfasts and two dinners will be provided; all other food is the responsibility of the participants. Contact the office for pricing for double occupancy.

Sunday - Sunday
A block of rooms has been reserved for Sunday - Sunday at the Domus Australia. If you plan on arriving Saturday, you will need to secure accommodations for Saturday night. Currently we are planning on a short 2 hour tour Sunday afternoon to kick off our week.


Rough Day Plans

Sunday: Pantheon, Piazza Navona, Fontana di Trevi, etc.

Monday: Palatine, Forum, Colosseum (ancient Rome)

Tuesday: Catacombs and early Christian churches (ancient  Christianity)

Wednesday: Day trip to Florence (Renaissance Italy & Dante)

Thursday: Vatican museums (Renaissance papacy)

Friday: Villa Borghese (Roman Baroque), concluding dinner

Saturday: Free day


You can sign up here. There is limited space available.

In reply to Paul Schaeffer

Re: Italy Trip

by Paul Schaeffer -
We will be holding a Q&A for those interested in the Italy trip this coming Friday, December 20th, at 5:30 PM Eastern. 

The link to join is here

We look forward to it.